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Adoption Videos: We are the Witnesses

Nicole J. Burton

Adoption videos are hitting YouTube like crazy. Not just personal video stories but professionally produced videos about adoption reform. The American Adoption Congress has produced a set of four short videos. The newest ones are Adoption Reunion and Adoption and Family. The first ones they released especially touch my themes in Swimming Up the Sun, Adoption & Truth and Birth Mothers Never Forget. At the American Adoption Congress conference this spring, I saw two fantastic new movies about adoption reunion, Jean Strauss' For The Life Of Me, which was so affecting it had the whole ballroom - men and women - crying; and Zara Phillips' lyrical Roots: Unknown. Both videos are available for purchase and have trailers on YouTube. Adoption videos and movies are a great development for the adoption reform movement. Seeing and hearing adopted people speak their truth carries the same potency as seeing soldiers testify about war. Once you see us and hear us, you understand that we're the witnesses.

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